Where does Inspiration Come From?
As a professional Interior Designer in Bergen County NJ, this is a question I get asked all the time. As we head into the New Year of 2017, here are some of my thoughts.
#1. Resources.
I receive about 7 or 8 design magazines every month. They range from Shelter magazines like Architectural Digest to very technical magazines like AL, a lighting design magazine. As I read through this fresh material that pertains to the art and science of interior design, I get excited about the new technology and introductions in materials that I see. I can’t wait to implement some of these new products into my projects.
#2. Shows and Seminars
There are numerous interior design trade shows and conferences every year. I try to attend as many as I can to see first-hand and try out the new products exhibited and gain the information I need. I get to see items months before they are available in the retail stores and some products can only be purchased through an interior designer. I love knowing about new products and being able to share these with my clients. It makes their projects special. I am able to bring them cutting edge design and things they have never seen before.

#3. Information Highway
I subscribe to several networking communities online. They designers from across the country who are problem solving and geared to helping with information and working together on design solutions. Sometimes I respond, sometimes I am the recipient. It’s a wonderful way to get input from designers all across the country. Lots of very talented people!
#4. Your brain
Of course, each project you undertake has a new set of issues. Sometimes you have encountered the situation before and it is easy to solve the problem. Sometimes you need to be open to new ideas to innovate the solution. Those are the most challenging, but the most satisfying. All your skills and knowledge are put to the creativity test.
There may be times when there is no product I can purchase out there and I just have to design it myself. That is why I am an interior designer!