Thanksgiving is over! Moving right along—
It’s crunch time. Holidays are coming fast and furious. This year on Dec 10, we light the first candle on the Menorah for the eight-day Festival of Lights-Chanukah. As a professional interior designer in Bergen County, NJ, I love to help add to people’s collections for their holiday décor.

For Chanukah the theme is usually blue and white. Dreidels and gold foil wrapped chocolate coins are a great way to gift each person at the table. Foods that are cooked in oil symbolize the miracle of the oil in the Temple that lasted eight days instead of just one. Favorites are latkes (potato pancakes) and donuts.

A few days after this holiday is over, we get to Christmas and all that it entails.

Did you know there are lists I have seen of what to do that go all the way back to early October? I think whatever you try to accomplish in advance is great but there is always that last minute thing you forgot, despite all the lists.

Don’t stress out if it isn’t perfect. It’s a fun, family time. Enjoy it.


Take a look at some of the ideas above to see if any apply to you. ENJOY!