It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Chair
How many hours do you sit at a desk or table a day? What kind of chair do you sit on?
As a professional interior designer in Bergen County, NJ, I often design home offices and workplace office spaces. One of my top concerns is your comfort and posture when you sit. From a health and wellness point of view, the right chair helps prevent back aches, keeps your blood flowing and that in turn helps you do your task in a more focused manner.
The following applies to adults as well as children. With our devices going 24/7, our bodies can get used to bad posture. Bad posture will affect you now and as you get older may cause bigger problems.
Here are 5 tips to help you improve your posture, with or without an ergonomic chair.
When you round your back it puts your neck in a funny position. You look like you are slouching. This is really bad for your body. Use your muscles in your back to pull yourself up. This straightens out your spine. Keep your shoulder blades down. Puff out your chest and lift your chin. This will keep your neck in a good position. Take a deep breath. Shallow breathing also encourages slouching.
Don’t cross your legs.
When you cross your legs what happens to your body? Circulation is cut off. Your hips are now out of alignment. Your knees and hips suffer, especially if you are in this position all day. Whenever you are mindful, uncross your legs!
Put your feet on the ground. Try to keep your knees at a 90 degree angle. Try not to put them under the chair.

3. Lengthen and straighten your spine.
Instead of just telling yourself “sit up straight” imaging you are a lab skeleton. There is a cord holding you that is attached at the top of your head. It helps you to stand and sit straight up.
Another way to stay straight is to think of a small hat on top of your head. Then place another and another hat on top of the other, piling them up. This will help you sit straighter!
Breathe in. Imagine there is a bubble of air that forms between your vertebrae. Breathe out. The bubbles get bigger each time you take a breath. This helps you sit straighter because the imaginary bubbles are holding up your spine.
This is a good way to visualize and take a moment to break from work and get better posture too.
Take a break.
Sitting for too long, even if you are doing everything correctly, is not a good idea.
Plan your breaks into your work and stick to it. Get up and move. It could be a lap around the office, taking a walk outside, stretching at your desk while standing.
Don’t forget your wrists. Prevent carpel tunnel issues.
Work out.
Back exercises strengthen and lengthen those tiny back muscles between your shoulder blades that help keep you upright. Overall core exercises keep you from slumping over too. Focus on that when you go to the gym.
An ergonomic chair is the best solution, even in the home, since it is designed to support good posture, keeping your body healthy for a long time.