Do You Need Help with De-cluttering?
As a professional Interior Designer in Bergen County, NJ, I sometimes meet a new client who is a collector of stuff. All their possessions are on out and on show, which makes it difficult to eliminate all the dust!
My job in that situation is to help them see their home in a whole new light and lighten up their burden. Making life easier and better is a journey. It can be done if they agree. It is an emotional situation so going slow is the best way to start.
Many events in life trigger a need to declutter. Remodeling and moving are two of the best reasons. A child’s departure for college is another signal to begin to sort out and declutter. The birth of a new baby is another great motivator.
How do you go about it?
One way to get things done is to pretend you are moving out into a smaller home. We know we can’t fit everything into the new space so going one room at a time, we downsize.
#1. Prioritize.
What are the most important things in the room? Whether there is too much furniture or objects, you need to first empty out the space. When you bring back furniture, etc., into the room, you should be able to move freely and have fewer objects on display. Clearing out and organizing the space creates a better environment. Sit back and take a look…Feeling lighter already~

#2. Layer. Edit.
One tried and true method whether it is for clothing, towels, coats, kitchen or living room accessories, or art is the 4 Boxes Method.
Each box is labeled:
—Keep and Display
—Give Away/ Sell
As you go through each item you can decide what to do with it.
If you plan to use it for display, it put it in the Keep and Display box. Once it is in the Trash box, take it out to the curb. If it is in the Storage box, wrap it and put it away.
If it is in the Give Away/Sell box, put it in the trunk of your car and drive it to the Consignment shop, or to your favorite charity. (You could sell it on Ebay if it has value.)
Most importantly, it is out of sight and out of mind.
#3. Label.
What do you do with something once you decide to Store it? Using clear boxes lets you see what is inside. Labeling what is in there helps you see at a glance what all the wrapped items are. If you are working on clothing, ask yourself three simple questions:
Does it fit?
Does it flatter?
Does it make me feel happy?
If the answers are negative, it is time for that item to go!
An interesting idea is to give away or donate one item a day…can you imagine getting rid of 365 items in a year?
Distill it down to what you use or love. The rest is not important.
#4. Stop.
Don’t keep at it for long periods of time. Take a break! If you do a little at a time, you won’t be overwhelmed.
Here’s a thought. Take ten minutes to go through the towels in the linen closet. Are they old and worn out? Ratty? Got holes? Wrong colors?
Get rid of them! The best place to donate them is to the pet shelter!
After a few weeks of living in your newly de-cluttered space, you will appreciate the newfound serenity of finding what you need in a minute and having so much new space. Letting it go gives you a sigh of relief!
A clear space = a clear mind.